So I fully realize it has been ages since I've updated the page. In addition to adding more design items to my portfolio, I'm also doing an overhaul of the website. As 'OCD' as it sounds, there were some things I wasn't happy with that I decided to change. So expect to see some subtle changes the next few weeks.
Now on to the news.
For those that know me, you understand my love for sports. In working in the sports field for a number of years, I have an attraction to the design/marketing aspect of the sports industry. There's a few things I've learned over the years. One in particular can be applied to nearly every sport at every level.
Rule 1, tradition and legacy equals simplicity. Some of the greatest logos are ones that have lasted years. The New York Yankees, Montreal Canadians, Chicago Bears. These are classic logos that are great that will probably never differ much. This is why older clubs always seem to have 'boring' identities, while the new ones are always going for pop.
Well, today the Tampa Bay Lighting continued on their road of trying to find their marketing niche. The club issued a brand-new identity this morning. One unique thing I have found about hockey is that you're seeing the NHL take a vintage swing. All the teams are aiming for that classic look. Whereas with the lower leagues, like AHL, ECHL, CHL,'re going to find more wild ideas, concepts and much more intricate logos.
I must admit, I'm disappointed with the new look. Now don't get me wrong, not hating on the Lighting...designing a team logo is a VERY hard thing to do. But the logo just lacks pop. Not to mention that the shoulder logo looks like a electricity company. I'll be interested to see reviews and columnist rumblings in the weeks to come.
Lots of big stuff to come in the coming months. Right now I'm concentrating on exploring new types of designing, especially the modern and minimalist areas. Also will be adding a bunch of new pieces for my wedding in November.
I'll Keep in touch.