May 20, 2011

A Pretty Sweet Feeling

One of the best things I like about my job is seeing your work in random places when you're least expecting it.

For example, you're driving through town and you notice one of your logos on a bumper sticker, or see one of your fliers at a local coffee shop.  I've been designing professionally for years and it's still a cool feeling to see work available in the public eye.

Just over a year ago I came up with the design below.  If it looks familiar, an almost identical design was used for an Orientation T-Shirt.
Well, this design came back to life with the promotion of 'Generation TX Day.'  In short, an event that took place state-wide promoting the good of a college education.  As part of the festivities, TAMUCC faculty & staff got together a took a giant group photo.  Needless to say, it's a pretty sweet feeling seeing THAT many people wearing a t-shirt you designed.

May 18, 2011

Who Says It Can't Be Done?

Usually I like to take my time when it comes to my designs, but that doesn't mean I can't speed up a process if I need to.

Just last week, I was approached with doing a website for the Mobile Go Center at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.  For those that aren't familiar with Mobile Go Centers, you can find these at Colleges and Universities around the state of Texas.  Essentially, these are traveling computer labs that Universities can take to college fairs, high schools, career days, etc. 

The website was going to be an internal website used within the Go Center that would navigate students to a variety of links that they could do within the Go Center.  Though it was a pretty simple project, it needed a turnaround of 2 days, a pretty tall task.

Needless to say I got the job done and I'm very happy with the results.  Hope you like it too!

May 15, 2011

Pomp and Circumstance

So, as you can see the blog is still going through the some growing pains.  Good news though, it will updated and fixed by the end of this week.  I've been wanting to work on it more than I have, but works come first....and that brings us to today's post.

As you know it's graduation season.  That means black caps & gowns, lots of teary eyes and what else but invitations!  I was lucky enough to be asked to do several this year.  Personal invitations are always fun because it's a chance to represent the person's personality on paper.  Though Times New Roman and Arial may not make a big difference to you, they speak volumes about a person's personality.  So it's always a fun challenge to construct these because every one is so different from the next. 

May 6, 2011

Logo Review: ASU

So as you can see, there are some obvious changes going on at the ole blog.  The layout had been around for nearly 2 years so it was time for an update.  Things aren't completely done yet as I'm still perfecting some of the fonts and backgrounds, but you get the basic idea.

Things have been busy around Wag Graphics.  I have several projects in the chute, including my annual redesign of the IceRays marketing pieces (website, schedule, tickets, etc.).  Not to mention I'm also working on several personal projects for my wedding coming up in November.  One thing I have is VERY difficult to design for yourself.

This brings up to today's logo review of Arizonia State's new logo.  Somehow this slid in under my radar.  I'm pretty good about keeping up with new logos coming, but this one escaped my grasp.
Arizonia State University Logo, Before & After
Arizona State University: Football Uniform Alternate
Basketball UniformArizona State University: Football Uniform HomeArizona State University: Website

When I first heard about the new logo, I'll admit, I was a little disappointed and quite shocked.  Sparky has become an ASU institution, loved by students and alumni alike.  Most colleges go by the rule 'if it's not broke, don't fix it.'  If a logo well liked, then why change it?  Well according a representative of the Athletics Department, the change was made because "there was a lack or real consistency" between all the sports teams.

This I completely get.  In fact, it is a huge pet peeve.  Having worked in the sports marketing world, I think it's an annoyance when the Art Director doesn't follow a general theme when designing their items.  Or for with collegiate sports, when none of the team's uniforms or logos look the same. 

With branding (especially sports teams) it's always a sticky situation to change logos.  As someone who works with branding and marketing, your job is to keep things fresh and updated, but fans like tradition. They want the same logos, same uniforms.  They want constant stability.  So it's tough to find a balance between the two.  This is one reason why recently you've seen an increase in what I call 'slight re-branding.' For example, the Detroit Lions going from this lion to a slightly more detailed one.

I come from the school of thought, that there are some logos that can never be changed (or have major changes anyway).  They are legends in themselves...these are traditions and have to stay the same.

I think Sparky is pretty borderline.  Nationwide, he might not be as well known as some, but in Arizona (love 'em or hate 'em) he's a house name.  I mean he has been around since 1980.

I guess my beef doesn't lie with with the logo, but the rebranding. 

As for the new logo, it's slick.  It's simple, fresh, modern and menacing.  It's got detail, but is basic enough that you know what it is from a distance.  The font is a good addition.  This is a custom designed font that Nike created for the project.  Overall it's a good look.  I'm not sure if it will become a 'legendary' brand or not, but it's good work in the least.

One thing I did like is that Sparky's logo still makes appearances on the back of the football helmet.  I wouldn't be shocked to see him appear in more places and used more as an alternate. 

Overall, I think it's a solid 'B' job by ASU.  It will be interesting to see how the alumni react in the coming months. 

I'll keep you posted on some new projects...have a good weekend!