January 25, 2012

Island Day Gets a Facelift

Four times a year over at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, there is a big open-house event called Island Day. This gives perspective students a chance to come see the campus first-hand and ask all the questions they desire.

One of my many fall projects was re-facing the Island Day logo. This logo dates way back to 2006, so it was time for in update.  Without completely ditching the old look and keeping the somewhat same identity, I had to come up with a new logo with a new pop.

This was one of those logos that just came into my head from the start.  I thought the paint the splatters was a good starting point, but I wanted to find a way to really stress the event, and incorporate the University's name....with a new color palette, black becoming more of an ascent color and a thick white border....in my opinion: Mission Accomplished.  If you want to see what it looks like on a t-shirt, just click here.  And see the bigger logo below.  And what's next for the blog?  Well, let's just say 'here comes the bride' (and all of her invitations).

Happy [belated] New Year Blog Nation

I realize it's been almost a full year since I last blog...I know...I know....my apologies. For those that don't know, the last half of 2011 became VERY busy.

My full-time job requires me to travel about 4-6 weeks during the months of September & October, so that alone (unfortunately) took away from my blogging time. Also, and the really big deal...I got married in late November! So witht that, coupled with the busyness of trying to help plan (and design) a perfect waiting, updating my blog with designs feel by the waste-side....but I'm BACK strong for 2012.

Expect several updates over the next few weeks. The sketch pad and mouse was busy that last few months, and I have lots of things I want to share....especially some quirky items I designed for my wedding.

Also working on some new t-shirt designs, so expect to see some things up for vote on Threadless (keep our fingers crossed this time).

Happy 2012....it's shaping up to be a great one