June 9, 2011

Logo Review: Washington Wizards

I've been meaning to put this design nugget up for a while and just haven't had the chance...but luckily, I'm finally getting to it.

In case you haven't heard, the Washington Wizards, after having one of the worst logo in the NBA for 9 seasons, got a somewhat new logo and brand. You can see some of the logos and items below.

Washinton Wizards, Before & After
Washinton Wizards: WordmarksWashinton Wizards: Alternate LogoWashinton Wizards: Alternate WordmarkWashinton Wizards: Uniforms

In my opinion, the Wizards missed a HUGE opportunity here. 

I have never cared for the Wizards primary logo very much.  I think it's one of the poorer logos in all of the NBA (right up there with the Charlotte Bobcats).  So needless to say I was pretty disappointed to see that the Microsoft Clipart-styled Merlin was returning, just with new colors.  If you look closely you will notice that the width of the logo was taken in a bit, but besides that, the logo has remained unchanged.  I think this was a pretty major mistake.

What is even more perplexing is the remaining logos.  From a branding point, I don't think any of it goes together.  You have a really crisp set of word marks and an alternate logo (that goes a long with it).  Then you on the opposite end of the spectrum, you have a 'DC' logo out of the 70's that is nearly identical to the old Bullets Logo.  In addition you have uniforms that go with that old vintage sty;e look.  Then, you throw in the new revamped 'wizard' and none of it makes much sense.  It looks like it's Thursday night and you're making a big pot of leftover stew.  In 3 complete different styles turned into one.

I get the whole 'let's return to the glory days.'  Vintage is in right, I understand, but the brand is being pulled in too many directions.  In my opinion, it seems like the saw the 76's move last off-season, saw its success and thought 'hey, we can do that, but make it even better.'  In this situation, I think they tried a little too hard and went a little too over the top.

The Wizards need to rewind and and scrap the wizard all together.  Loose it, it's going nowhere.  Start with your wordmarks and alternate logo.  Those are solid and the direction you need to head.  I don't mind the National Monument reference.  I think it's important for teams to show some sense of community.  From there, design a completely new primary logo and different uniforms.  Given the style of the logo, I think you could something a bit edgier like what the Hawks have.

If you're going to do a redesign, do a redesign.  You can't recycle a logo unless it's awesome to begin with.

But I do have some optimism. I wouldn't be a bit surprised in the next few seasons, or even this one for that matter, for the Wizard to get thrown in the back seat.  I think it's very possible that you will see the alternate take over and the Wizards to use their 'DC' mark and basketball more than the 'lanky Harry Potter with a beard.'  This switch would be similar to what the Blue Jackets of the NHL did a few years back when then alternate logo became their primary

So to recap....do I like the new brand?  Well, I guess it's an improvement.  Do I think it's one of the best in the NBA?  I defiantly wouldn't go that far, but it is better than what they had.

In the coming months, I hope to do more of these reviews and have new logo updates.  Eventually, (when things slow down a bit), I would like do some Sport Logo Concepts of my own.  I may even start with this one.  But we'll have to see if time allows.


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